"FREE CHINA" Director & Producer
On A Mission to Bring Freedom
to 1.3 Billion People ...
Hi, I’m Kean Wong, filmmaker, activist and producer of the award-winning documentary film “FREE CHINA: The Courage to Believe.” And with me is the director of “FREE CHINA”, Michael Perlman, who is best known for “Tibet: Beyond Fear”, and more recently, “The 99%: Occupy Everywhere.”
As you saw in the video above, whether or not the largest nation on earth becomes free from a brutal dictatorship, will not only impact your life but future generations as well. So the time is now to do something about it.
Back in 2001, I met a slave labor camp survivor who had just fled China. Her name was Jennifer Zeng, and I helped her obtain asylum. Eventually she became a best selling author and years later, the main subject of our documentary film FREE CHINA.
Ever since I met Jennifer, I've been on a mission. And it’s been a mission to share her incredibly inspiring story of courage and freedom. It's also a story of millions of innocent people imprisoned by the Chinese Communist Party in slave labor camps who have been tortured...and even killed for their organs (for profit.)
The problem is, it’s still happening today...

Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere.
Martin Luther King Jr.
"Top 5 Deadly Facts About
Made in China..."
Made in China..."
Now you probably heard about Hong Kong’s ‘Umbrella Movement’ for greater freedoms in China, led in part by a heroic 17 year old student activist. While news of the protests in Hong Kong around the world have died down somewhat - what you probably aren't aware of are the 100,000 plus protests a year all throughout China.
The good news is that people ARE gradually waking up. And they're demanding change from the regime. So please join us on this historic mission to bring greater Freedoms to more than 1.3 billion people. As Martin Luther King Jr once said so eloquently, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
Check out our "Top 5 Deadly Facts About Made in China..." animation video and find out exactly how the injustices in China affect you.
Desmond Tutu Nobel LaureateThe dream of China can be realized only when its citizens’ universal human rights and dignity are upheld and respected.
Uncounted numbers…have been executed and their organs harvested for sale — a practice so despicable it is nearly beyond our comprehension.Chen Guangcheng Blind Activist, Human Rights Lawyer
We must continue to speak out, publicly and unashamedly, about ending the black jails, ending the torture, ending the forced abortions and sterilizations, and ending the persecution of Falun Gong.
US Congressman Chris Smith NJ
So we need your help. We need partners or "Free China Ambassadors" to get the word out. This is a grassroots campaign where everyone counts. And everyone matters.
As they say, we’re only a few degrees separation from Kevin Bacon, so who knows where your Tweet or Facebook post will travel!
So if you care about Freedom, we’d be delighted to have you on board!
Joe Polish, Founder of The Genius Network
"It’s pretty insane what is being done to these people...everyone that hasn’t watched FREE CHINA, needs to watch it."
Everything begins right now in fact. And you can start promoting the February 3rd, 2015 online premiere of Free China, immediately.
Now – through our online partner VIMEO, a VOD (Video-On-Demand) service, we provide a powerful yet simple platform for you to promote FREE CHINA.
All you have to do is simply click on the share button on the top right of the campaign video up above and share FREE CHINA on Facebook, Twitter etc!
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If you would like to donate to the co-producers of the FREE CHINA film - NTD Television, a 501c(3) non-profit TV network headquartered in New York, please click on the paypal donate button to the right.
You can also buy FREE CHINA DVDs and the award-winning soundtrack by clicking on the relevant buttons to the right also.
For Community Use (Non-profit & School) DVD Licenses and Institutional Use (For-profit & Colleges) DVD Licenses please click on the underlined links.
Your contributions are much appreciated and help us continue our efforts to FREE CHINA!
In Gratitude,
Thank You for Your Support!
Kean & Michael
On behalf of the entire FREE CHINA TEAM
New Tang Dynasty Television
229W 28th Street 6Flr.
New York, NY 10001